Civil Litigation Autumn 2024 Update

Date & Time

7th October 2024 | Live Webinar | 9.30am-12.30pm


£110 + VAT (members), £130 + VAT (non members)


Civil Litigation Autumn 2024 Update

The general election scuppered a number of law reforms, not least the legitimisation of group litigation funding and more fixed costs. Important changes in the Intermediate Track did get passed. Meanwhile, the judgments keep coming. Dubious injury claimants have respectively foregone £600,000 and £1,200,000 on account of fundamental dishonesty. The failure to comply with a Disclosure Order saw a defendant trounced without a trial.

Likely reforms and recent decisions will be considered by Dominic Regan who will also navigate everyone through the latest Table 14, detailing what one can and can’t recover in the Intermediate Track which is now beginning to bite.

Yet more problems have emerged in respect of both lay and expert evidence. What are the traps?

Those seeking relief from sanctions still regularly come unstuck. A full checklist of steps to take will be supplied.

Professor Dominic Regan, legal speaker and visiting Professor at City University, London, and an advisor to Sir Rupert Jackson, is one of the UK’s foremost speakers on civil litigation.