Anti Money Laundering Training – Are you up to date?

Date & Time

14th October 2024 | Live Webinar | 10am - 1pm


See below & on Application Form


Anti Money Laundering Training - Are you up to date?

Why attend?

The SRA thematic review on training is now underway. Has your firm been chosen for this review? Are you happy that all of your staff are up to speed with all things AML?

 Regulation 24 of the MLR2017 talks about the requirement to ensure staff and agents are trained in AML/CTF and it has been a mandatory requirement for the past 20 years! So why are we still seeing firms being fined for not training their staff on AML?

The Legal Sector Affinity Group (LSAG) guidance states that “you should take a risk-based approach to determining how often specific role-based AML training should take place, although some form of high-level basic AML awareness/refresher training should be taken annually across all relevant employees”

These are the facts so, now is the time to get your house in order with regards to AML training.

This 3 hour session will cover all that’s new in the world of AML for 2024 and refresh everyone on the key points of the MLR2017. The session will be suitable for all members of staff in your firm and give them the annual refresher required under the LSAG guidance. The session will cover many areas including the following:

  • An introduction to the world of AML
  • What is AML/CTF?
  • Key sections of the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) 2002 and the Terrorism Act 2000
  • Key points of the money laundering regulations and the LSAG guidance including:
    • Risk assessments – practice-wide, client and matter
    • CDD – when, what, why, how
    • Policies, controls and procedures – what have you got in place
    • Enhanced due diligence – regulation 33 requirements
    • Politically Exposed People (PEP) – regulation 35
    • The role of the MLRO/MLCO
    • Reporting of suspicions – what the NCA says
    • Requesting a Defence Against Money Laundering (DAML)
    • Red flags and warning signs
  • The SRA and their thematic reviews and audits

The Speaker

Joanna Morris has over thirty years’ experience of working in solicitors’ practices from being a legal cashier, practice manager and training manager. Joanna is a freelance trainer and consultant, having previously been the Risk and Regulatory Compliance Training Manager at a top 40 law firm.

Jo currently delivers training in many compliance subjects, both to the public and in-house clients, on AML, GDPR, SRA Accounts Rules and courses designed specifically for the MLRO, DPO, COLP and COFA.

She is a qualified NVQ assessor and holds a Certificate In Education for Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector.

She was highly commended in June 2011 by the Legal Education and Training Group (LETG) in the category Best Programme for Lawyers for Solicitors Accounts Rules training. She was shortlisted in the Compliance Trainer of the Year category in the C5 Women in Compliance Awards in 2014.


Register as an individual or, for one flat rate fee, register & update all your staff in one go! Fees include recordings & notes of the sessions for those who cannot attend the live webinars

Individuals:                                          £100 + VAT (£120)

Firm (0-20 people attending):             £300 + VAT (£360)

Firm (20-40 people attending):           £400 + VAT (£480)

Firm (40 + people attending):             £500 + VAT (£600)